
Monday, November 14, 2011

Vortex IPA by Fort George Brewery

Vortex IPA by Fort George Brewery

ABV 7.4%

can find much wrong in this beer. even with its high hops amount it seam balanced and in harmony. I liked it better after letting it sit out of the cooler to knock the chill off. Theron and i split a 4 Pack of 16oz can shortly before the demise of Northwestern Lake, at the White Salmon take out. when we run the lower White Salmon river to the confluence with the Columbia river we will toast with Vortex IPA.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Winter Solstice Seasonal Ale

Winter Solstice Seasonal Ale by
Anderson Valley Brewing Company

ABV 6.9%

This was the first  Anderson Valley Brewing Company beer i have tasted. I tasted it after a naked October swim at our takeout on the north Santiam. After a freezing swim i felt that i was ready for a winter ale.
Its richness makes you say "wow". It has almost no hops bitterness and is full of maltness without the "strong spice flavor" of other winter ales. It has a caramel and vanilla taste. Theron said it is like "cream soda for adults" and i couldn't agree more. I enjoyed "Winter Solstice" but with its richness I couldn't see myself drinking more than 1 can in a sitting. 


Caldera IPA

Caldera IPA by Caldera Brewing

ABV 6.1%

One or mine and Theron's few differences is IPA. I love IPA, all IPA: British IPA, American IPA, Belgian IPA, Double IPA and Imperial IPA. I am always looking for the fresh and strong hop taste i love. In contrast Theron rarely chooses an IPA (never turns one down though) and he seems to prefer his bitter beer to be a lager.We both loved this beer: i cant think of a fresher tasting IPA, and the flavor of grapefruit was surprising and satisfying. And then we felt a little unmanly-like : talking about fruit flavors in our beers, alone on our raft. So we talked about hockey instead, silenty agreeing on the rating of this beer. 


Mama's Little Yella Pils

Mama's Little Yella Pils by Oskar Blues Brewery

ABV 5.3%

Thank you once again Oskar Blues! This is fast becoming my Favorite Brewer! If any beer could remind me of eating my father's "Pork Shoulder Cooked in Sauerkraut" then here it is. It is a simple refreshing pilsner, exactly just what i want with my heavy German meal. I couldn't help but thinking of celebrating Oktoberfest when drinking "Yella". It was a good Pils usually only found in import beers. I could find myself in a lawn chair up to my knees in river water and enjoying a 6 pack on a long slow day, just waving at the boater traveling down the stream.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

How to build a can crusher.

it is important to pack-it out! recycling our cans so there will be more cans to drain. the joy of the can is in the convenience to crush it and make it simpler to haul it out of our favorite "wild and scenic river".

To build a can crusher you will need

  • A Rock
  • A Child: you can breed your own or borrow your friends' one, usually a boy (they are full of destructive behavior)  between the age of 8 and 13 is best; think "lord of the Flies"!
  • see Pics for Assembly 

  1. Give the boy a rock
  2. place empty can in front of the boy
  3. back away quickly because the can crusher is automatic

your can crusher will never grow tired 

small and easy to pack out

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


G'Knight Imperial Red Ale by Oskar Blues Grill & Brewery

ABV- 8.70%

Wow what a incredible caned beer. We drank this on a cold October day on the North Santiam. Its rich amber taste, dry hopped flavor and high alcohol content warmed the body and soul.  This strong ale would be a great dinner beer or Christmas Eve festive drink.  This was a surprise in a can; I now know there are great caned beers to enjoy.

G’Knight is brewed in tribute to the late Gordon Knight, who died in a helicopter crash while fighting a forest fire.  Gordon was a Vietnam Vet, Pilot and Brewer, we appreciate Gordon’s fine brew

Thank you G'Knight the River Runners.

RRCBR  Class V+


Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) sold by Pabst Brewing Company

ABV- 4.74%

I don’t understand many things; fixed geared bikes, $200 pea-coats at Andy & Baxs, The MacBook and drinking PBR.

I have long ago grown out of drinking beer by price: taste is what I want.  I can’t find it behind the blue ribbon. I am surprised by the flood of “hipsters” dinking PBR- a cough syrup flavored beer. I see it all over town - $1 PBR ice cold. It has to be ice cold, cold enough to shock your taste buds into not tasting it! After a few sips Theron and I used most of the contents of the tall boy to toast our “Dead Homies”.

PBR doesn’t even have the image of the little brother brewery anymore. Once owned and brewed in Milwaukie Wi ; now Pabst brewing is based in LA and owned by The Miller Brewing Company. I would be hard pressed to buy or even drink a free PBR. I think if I was in Rome Station Store preparing for an Owyhee trip’ and they sold out of Bud and Coors I would go dry before choosing PBR.

RRCBR- Class I

Monday, October 24, 2011

Mana Wheat

Mana Wheat by Maui Brewing Co.

ABV: 5.5%

IBU: ??

It was on the way to the Deschutes River we picked up a can of Mana to share. I was impressed with the can and origins, being a Hawaiian Beer. I was hopeful by the price, $2+ that it would be a impressive beer.  We split the beer at the take-out. It was a disappointing week wheat beer without the usual refreshing sourness of wheat bear.

Then I thought it tasted off when Theron, pointed out that the addition of the pineapple juice reminded him of eating can pineapple. I agree completely.

Probably won’t find this in our drag-bag again


Fat tire by New Belgian brewing

ABV: 5.2%
IBU: 18.5
Everybody knows a friend that everyone likes. Fat Tire is that beer.  Without Knowing some ones taste in beer Fat tire is always the safe choice. Love by many liked by all.

The New Belgian brewers have created a amber ale that has long been the choice of many craft beef lovers.
I was happy to find it in the can and soon it was on the river with us. 

Great out of the cooler ice cold or river water temp.


The Tasters

Bryan & Theron are two very similar best friends. Both are outdoors enthusiasts: Rafting, fishing, mushroom hunting and hiking. They share the same career path both being Chefs : Bryan with 21 years of cooking and Theron with 7 years experience.  Both play and are fans  of hockey.  Bryan lists on his FB profile Hockey as his Religion. And we are fans of Beer!! All beers: domestic, imported, homebrew and most of all crafted beer.

We found that on the river the ease of canned beer  is a necessity: Keeping cold, not breaking and packing in and packing out convenience.  It’s also the law on some rivers (Grand Canyon). We have been pleased that many craft beer brewers are canning now. We have discovered many great beers for our rafting trips.
We will rate beers like rapids:

Class I- poor or emergency beers when you can’t find crafted beer
Class II- average beer like a class II rapid: fun with no surprises.
Class III- good beer that always puts a smile on your face like Boxcar rapid on an August day
Class IV- a great beer satisfying like after running Blossom Bar
Class V- a rare gem of a beer
Class VI- you’ll know one when you see one

See you on the river

Theron & Bryan